We had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything looks great! Heartbeat is good, his head is down and measuring right on schedule. Now we wait.
I can't wait to see what he looks like. I think it will feel more real when I can see his face. I wonder if he will look like his sister, his brother, or his own little self. Farrah definitely has the darker features from her daddy's side and Kellen had some of the lighter features from both of us.
I am pretty nervous. I have no idea what emotions will surface during the delivery and adjusting to life going from 1 to 2 kids at home again. I hate to say it but I got used to being a mom of 1 again. 1 person to give all my attention to. Now I'll have 2 to devote my time to. It's a strange yet familiar feeling.
I keep referring to Evan as Kellen by accident. In fact when I first wrote the title of this blog I wrote Kellen by accident instead of Evan. Abe does the same thing. I'm sure once he's here and I can see him, my brain will start working again. At least I hope. I want him to be his own person. I don't want him to be his brother's replacement. He deserves his own story. He is a gift from God. And like the meaning of his name says, "God is good."
Evan's room is pretty much ready for him, we've got the diapers, the itty bitty clothes, and all the things that make you say "oooh... ahhhh" at a baby shower. We're as ready as we can be here in the house, we'll just have to take it one day at a time once you come home with us.
Farrah couldn't be more excited. I'm looking forward to seeing her make the face again she used to make when she was around Kellen. This look of pure joy that you can't possibly contain when you want to squeeze a cute baby but restrain yourself. That's the best way I can describe that face.
Lots to look forward to in our house. We have a lot of people rooting for us. We couldn't possibly be more grateful. Just don't be offended when I bathe you in hand sanitizer when you come to visit after he comes. This chick is a paranoid 3rd time mama. :)
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