So I copied this from one of my fave blogs
http://www.exploitsofamilitarymama.com/ who apparently copied it from someone else. Shout out! Thought it would be a fun way to pass my time while I listen to Farrah cry in her crib.... I've got 10 minutes... ready go!
1. What are your middle names?
My middle name is Nicole... no special meaning I think the parentals just liked how it sounded. Abe on the otherhand has a story behind his middle name. His name is Abraham Hagop. He's Armenian and Hagop is an Armenian name. His dad's name is Hagop Abraham, and his grandpa's name is Abraham Hagop... get how that works?
2. How long have you been together?
5 years. We started dating in Feb 05, got engaged Feb 07 and married Oct 08.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
I'd say about a year. We met at work but were just friends, then I went to study abroad. When I came back, I went back to the same job and we started dating after that.
4. Who asked who out?
I'm not really sure anyone asked anyone out. It was more like dropping hints that we were interested in eachother and then one night we went out to dinner and we're like... "ummm... so we're dating right?" Really romantic I know!
5. How old are each of you?
I'm 25 and he's 24 (turning 25 March 18th) I'm a cougar I know!
6. Did you go to the same school?
College yes, High school no.
7. Are you from the same home town?
Not even close. He's an LA boy and I'm a Bay area girl. We were about a 6 hour drive apart.
8. Who is the smartest?
Although he'd argue differently, I'd say by a long shot he is. Don't get me wrong I have lots of strong points, but for God's sake he's a teacher and a tutor... I sure hope he's smarter than me! Exhibit A: We were watching some dumb reality show quite a while back. I think it was with Flavor Flav (not a great way to start this story.) And on his date he brought in a tiger and the trainer was having him and his date feed the tiger raw meat. So I thought a second and said to Abe, "wait, so tigers can eat raw meat?" I instantly knew I had said something really dumb. Like the tigers really take down their pray and then whip out a George Foreman to cook it up. Everyone has dumb moments like that (hopefully not that dumb) but I have yet to see Abe have one. I'll let you know when I do.
9. Who majored in what?
I majored in Comparative Literature with a Foreign Language emphasis (Spanish) and a Spanish minor. I'm starting to lose the Spanish so I really need to keep practicing. Abe majored in Black Studies. No, he's not black, so whenever he tells someone what his major was he often gets this confused look. But it's something I really admire about him. He started off a business major, thought that's what he "should" do, but wasn't really feeling it so after taking a couple black studies classes and loving them he switched. I hope our kids will be brave enough to do what they think is right instead of what they think everyone wants them to do.
10. Who is the most sensitive?
Definitely Abe. He writes poetry. He loves hip hop music (the real stuff, not the bitches and hoes kind.) He's always been known as "that really nice guy."
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
After we graduated from UC Santa Barbara we took a 3 week trip to Europe. I'm really glad we did it before we settled down. Traveling together can be pretty stressful so I'm glad we got to see that side of each other ;)
12. Who has the worse temper?
Me for sure. I hate to say it because I'm sure most will want to barf but we've never had a real fight before. We've (and by we I mostly mean me) had some dissagreements but he never really gets mad. In a way it sometimes makes me more mad because I want him to get mad but he just can't seem to bring himself to that point. I can't complain I guess.
13. How many children do you want?
We said 4 originally but I'd be happy with 3.
14. Who does the cooking?
Both of us but usually Abe. I'm usually either working or taking care of Farrah when he gets home so he does that for me so I don't have to.
15. Who is more social?
I'm not really sure. Both of us are very content being homebodies. He can be kind of quiet when he first meets people, and he also doesn't drink so I think people can mistake him for a non social person but that's not really the case. He's a DJ on the weekends so I don't know too many non social DJ's
16. Who is the neat freak?
I'd say both of us and neither of us at the same time. Since having a baby, you kind of have to let some things go. But both of us get in these moods where we absolutely can't live with it anymore and have to go on a cleaning/organizing spree
17. Who is the most stubborn?
Me for sure. I come from a long line of stubborn women so it's kind of hard to avoid.
18. Who wakes up earlier?
Him because I try to sleep until Farrah wakes up around 7 because I know I'll need all the rest I can get for the day. He probably wakes up around 6:15.
19. Where was your first date?
It wasn't supposed to be a date because a coworker was supposed to go with us but she couldn't last minute so it was just the 2 of us. We went to Chili's and then to see the movie Coach Carter.
20. Who has the bigger family?
Probably him. He has one brother and a sister and a whole bunch of cousins. Some in Cali and some in Rhode Island. I just have one sister and quite a few cousins as well.
21. Do you get flowers often?
I used to. Not so much anymore. I honestly don't care though. We're trying to save money and I don't want to waste it on flowers. Honesly, bringing home frozen yogurt is more romantic to me than flowers ;)
22. How do you spend the holidays?
Since our families don't live close we can't do both in one day. We just kind of switch off. We don't keep tabs and our families are so great they understand.
23. Who is more jealous?
I'm not sure. I'm normally a jealous person but he has never given me a reason to be remotely jealous so I haven't been jealous in a long time. We have an ongoing joke that he's jealous of Channing Tatum because I once told him I had a dream Channing Tatum was trying to seduce me and he now despises him. So now I'm kind of thinking he's the jealous one.
24. How long did it take to get serious?
Really fast. We said I love you about a month in. Neither one of us had ever been in a relationship before so I'm sure a lot of people thought it was a first love thing that wouldn't last but obviously they were wrong ;)
25. Who eats more?
Hmmm... we love to eat so I'd say it's a tie.
26. What do you do for a living?
He is currently substitute teaching until he can find a full time teaching position. He also tutors and DJs on the side. I'm a full time mommy and I also work teaching skin care and color cosmetics with Mary Kay and leading a team of women who do the same. Right now my focus is earning our first free car.
27. Who does the laundry?
Both of us. Whoever has a free moment to do it does it because you don't know when you'll get a free moment again.
28. Who's better with the computer?
Navigating the internet? me. Troubleshooting? him.
29. Who drives when you are together?
Usually him. I have to be in the front, though, otherwise I get sick.
30. What is your song?
Our first dance song was Donny Hathaway's "She is my lady." Also, "She's everything" by Brad Paisley.
That's all folks. That took me much longer than 10 mintues but Farrah finally fell asleep about 4 minutes in. So don't worry I wasn't letting her cry that long. Thanks for caring enough to read!